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The dialog is the main building block of conversations. All the code that forms the interaction between the bot and the user takes place inside a dialog. Every statement inside a dialog is run in sequence.

dialog greeting do
  say "Hello!"
  ask "What is your name?"

Inside a dialog you write statements, like say, ask, et cetera, to create the conversation. See the statement reference for more detail on those. The rest of this chapter documents in which ways dialogs can be triggered.

Named dialogs

Dialogs can have names, the name you give a dialog is an "internal" name, it is only used in the script. By using invoke, you can let the named dialog be executed, from another place.

dialog greeting do
  say "Hello!"
  invoke ask_name

dialog ask_name do
  ask "What is your name?"

The platform checks the dialog names that you invoke. If we try to invoke a dialog that does not exist, it is considered as a syntax error, and the bot will refuse to run.

Dialog trigger

Dialogs can have triggers which are matched against user input to trigger the dialog.

dialog trigger: "hi" do
  say "hi there!"

Above we match sentences which contain the word "hi". The original message that caused the trigger is accessible in the variable named message.

Dialogs are evaluated in order, meaning the first dialog that matches wins.

dialog trigger: "you look nice" do
  say "that's nice of you"

dialog trigger: "nice " do # This dialog will never be executed
  say "thank you"

Using BML in triggers

The trigger: part of the dialog is actually a BML expression:

dialog trigger: "music | museum" do
  say "you typed either music or museum"

Note that BML matches are case insensitive: "museum", "Museum", "MUSEUM" will all match the dialog trigger: "museum".

BML captures

You can also capture parts of the user's input by using the BML capture notation, specifying the variable name between the brackets as follows:

dialog trigger: "my name is [1-3=name]" do
  say "Hello #{}"

This dialog triggers when you say "My name is", followed by 1 to 3 words, which are then assigned to the variable.

Capturing entities

dialog trigger: "My age is [number=age]" do
  say "so you are #{message.age} years old!"

This scans the string for the Duckling number entity, and puts the entity in message.age.

  • The entire user utterance is stored in message
  • The entities actual value (17) is stored in message.age.

Use the variables panel in the studio to explore even more properties of the entity.

Intent matching

A collection of BML string matches can be grouped together under an intent. Intent are usually assigned to a constant in order to be used in multiple places:

@hello intent(match: ["hi", "hello there", "howdy", "how are you doing"])

dialog trigger: @hello do
  say "Hello to you too!"
  say "The intent that matched was: " +

The Training tab of the studio also allows you to create intents. These can also be used directly in Bubblescript in the same way, but then edited through the Training CMS instead of in the Bubblescript code.

Event trigger

dialog event: "status_update" do
  say "We received an event."

Match on an incoming event with the name status_update. The event can come from the web client, from a webhook, from another bot or conversation, or even from yourself, when it had been scheduled to be sent in the future.

Event triggers do not use BML matching syntax. You can only match on the exact event name.

Other dialog triggers

The following dialog triggers are less frequently used.

A location trigger will match any location within a given radius:

dialog location: [lon: 4.893414, lat: 52.364909], radius: 3000 do
  say "Welcome in Amsterdam!"

Note that the location has to be sent to the client explicitly, no background location tracking is going on.

Furthermore, an attachment trigger can fire as soon as a user sends a media file to the conversation:

dialog attachment: :image do
  show image attachment.url
  show image attachment.url

Receiving other media types

To respond to any other media type the user uploads you can use a special system dialog:

dialog __unknown_attachment__ do
  say "Thanks for the #{attachment.type} file"

Asking a location

To ask a user to provide his location you can set :location as expectation.

  location = ask "Please share your location", expecting: :location

The location latitude and longitude will be captured into the variable location. This is a Map with two keys (lat, lon) than can be accessed as follows:

  say "your latitude is #{}, and longitude is #{location.lon}"

Guard clauses

A powerful way to create variations of dialogs is to define the same dialog multiple times, but add a "guard clause" on it.

Inspired by Elixir's guards, Guard clauses are small expressions which can be added to the dialog definition. These guards decide whether the given dialog is matched or not:

dialog main when user.frontend == "slack" do
  say "Hello slack user!"

dialog main do
  say "Hello, other user"

There can be multiple dialogs with the same name or trigger, but with different guard clauses. When looking up a dialog, the guard clauses get evaluated and the first dialog with a matching guard clause gets executed.

It is important to remember that dialog resolution is always processed in order, from the top to bottom of the files.

Platform-specific dialogs

The following dialogs are automatically invoked by the platform, based on certain conditions that happen in the lifecycle of the conversation:


__main__ is the entrypoint for any conversation. For historical purposes, the platform defines a __main__ dialog, which invokes main.

dialog __main__ do
  say "Hello, I am a chatbot."


dialog __root__ do
  say "What would you like to do?", expecting: [@get_quote, @reset_password]

The root dialog is invoked the moment the bot's stack is empty. Implement a __root__ dialog to create a "menu"-like interaction model where the bot keeps returning to a menu of options when it is done processing its current dialog.


The unknown dialog is invoked when the user sends a message, but there are no dialogs that get triggered because of that message. This is a typical place to respond with something like "Sorry, I dont Understand, I'm just a chatbot".

dialog __unknown__ do
  say "I don't get what you mean..."


When an event was sent into the conversation, but there was no event trigger defined for it.


When a user sends a location pin to the chat, but there was no location trigger that caught it.

dialog __unknown_location__ do
  hilversum = [5.177459, 52.224025]
  d = round(distance(location, hilversum) / 1000)
  say "You are #{d} km from Hilversum"


When a user sends a image/video/audio file to the chat, but there was no attachment trigger that caught it.


This dialog is invoked when the stack is popped.

dialog main do
  ask "Choose a color", expecting: "red", quick_replies: ["Red"]

dialog __unknown__ do
  say "That is not right."

dialog __returning__ do
  say "Back to the subject."

In this case, the user is asked to type "Red"; when he types something else, first __unknown__ is triggered, and then, just before the question is repeated, __returning__ is invoked as well.


Invoked when session timeout is reached. This can be used to clean up things, write information to a database, et cetera.

The standard timeout for a chat session is 15 minutes; it can be changed setting the @timeout constant.


Invoked when the conversation is resumed. After the conversation times out, the conversation state is saved. Later, when the user returns to the conversation, the conversation state is looked up again, and just before the conversation resumes where it left off, __resume__ will be invoked.


Invoked when an ask statement has a timeout: value, but when there was no timeout_dialog specified.

To set a global timeout on all ask statements, define the @ask_timeout constant:

# Skips any question after 1 minute
@ask_timeout "1m"


Invoked when a runtime error is encountered. In that case, the error variable is filled with an object containing the error message and the location (script file + line number).

The default implementation of the error dialog looks like this:

dialog __error__ do
  if debugging do
    say "Error: #{error.message}"
    ask "On #{error.location}", expecting: "OK", quick_replies: ["OK"]
    tag "error"
    say "Oops, that went wrong!"
    ask "Sorry about that…! Let's try it again.", quick_replies: ["Restart"]
    invoke __main__, :reset

Executing the fatal statement also causes the error dialog to be triggered.

Platform-specific tasks


The __init__ tasks are executed whenever the bot is started (before __main__, and __resume__). This could be used, for example, to fetch user data from a CRM before starting the conversation.

Contextual variables

In the runtime, there are several variables exposed that contain information about the dialog stacking system.

  • dialog.stack - the current stack of dialog names, topmost dialog first. The name of the current dialog is dialog.stack[0].
  • dialog.history - the list of dialog names that the user has passed through, ordered by most recently visited dialog.
  • dialog.last_user_utterances - the list of utterances (last messages) sent by the user; maximum 5; most recent first.
  • dialog.last_bot_utterances - the list of utterances (last messages) sent by the bot; maximum 5; most recent first.
  • dialog.last_action_id - the ID of the last outgoing bot action (any message).