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API integrations & secrets storage

Integrations come in two forms, OAuth-based integrations and static integrations.

OAuth-based integrations

Using OAuth-based integrations, you can create OAuth tokens for your bot to connect to external services like Google cloud. The bot can have a fixed set of tokens, but you can also use the integrations framework to let the bot ask the user to log in, for instance, when you write a bot that wants access to somebody's Google calendar.

The following OAuth providers are currently supported:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Microsoft
  • Operator (Enreach / Voiceworks)
  • Salesforce
  • Generic OAuth2

Please contact us if you need access to other OAuth providers.

Studio-specific integrations

Some API integrations are fixed connections to providers that require some kind of one-time credential configuration, in order to provide extra functionality in the DialoX studio or runtime. The following providers are currently built in:

  • Dialogflow, for connecting a custom Dialogflow Agent to your bot
  • Mailgun, for customizing the sender and domain of the mail() Bubblescript function
  • Twilio, for enabling the sms_notify() Bubblescript function
  • Pushwoosh, for enabling in-app push notifications

Setting up integrations

By defining an integrations YAML file in your bot, you specify which connections to other services can be made.

These connections always have a context: The bot context integrations are authenticated once, while you are building the bot, and are available to all users. The user integrations are authenticated on demand; e.g. the bot can ask the user to log in with Google to let the bot manage the user's calendars.

- provider: google
  alias: google
  scope: email profile
  context: user
- provider: facebook
  context: user
  scope: email,user_friends
  alias: facebook
- provider: linkedin
  context: user
  scope: r_liteprofile,r_emailaddress
  alias: linkedin
  description: Retrieve contact information
- provider: twilio
  context: bot
  description: Allow bot to send SMS notifications

This YAML list each contains a single entry which defines an integration to an external API.

  • context - either user or bot, see the next section.
  • provider - one of the supported platforms (google, facebook or salesforce), in lowercase. For bot-level providers, secret can be specified to indicate this is a user-editable secret, not connected to an OAuth flow.
  • alias - optionally a name which is used to distinguish the resulting token (in the case when you need multiple tokens to the same provider). Defaults to the provider name.
  • scope - the platform-specific scope string which is used to determine which permissions will be requested in the OAuth flow. Note - Facebook scopes are separated by a comma, Google scopes by spaces. Twitter does not use oauth scopes.
  • description - a descriptive string that is displayed in the studio user interface

The integrations file can also be part of a skill. All integrations for all skills are gathered and used collectively.

Bot-level integrations

All the integrations that have bot context will show up on the "connect" page of the studio. From there on, you can create connections to the requested APIs as a one-time configuration action.

Once the integrations are set up, the tokens are securely stored and in accessible from Bubblescript under the bot.tokens variable, by their alias, e.g.

Bot-level integrations can be found under Settings → Integrations in the Studio.

Special bot-level integrations

A few providers are preconfigured to integrate with some aspects of the studio. These are the following:


Allows bot users to use their own Dialogflow agent for intent resolution and intent management.

- provider: dialogflow
  context: bot
  description: Integrate with Google Dialogflow


Enable the sms() Bubblescript function to send SMS notifications.

- provider: twilio
  context: bot
  description: Integrate with Twilio


Configure mailgun to use your own sender domain for the mail() Bubblescript function, and for using a custom sender domain for the e-mail channel, instead of the default of

- provider: mailgun
  context: bot
  description: Integrate with Mailgun


Allows the developer to set up push notifications through Pushwoosh for web or native app-based chats

- provider: pushwoosh
  context: bot
  description: Integrate with Pushwoosh

360 dialog

Enables the whatsapp() function to send template messages using the given 360dialog API key

- provider: dialog
  context: bot
  description: Integrate with 360 Dialog

Masvoz SMS API

Enables the sms() function to send SMS messages through the [Masvoz API][masvoz_sms] instead of through the default Twilio provider.

- provider: masvoz_sms
  context: bot
  description: Integrate with Masvoz SMS API

Google Service Account

It is possible to create an google_service_account token provider. This allows you to upload a Google service account JSON file in the integration. The get_access_token(token_id) function consequently fetches an access token from the Google API for the given service account and scope.

- provider: google_service_account
  context: bot
  alias: bigquery
  description: Integrate with Google BigQuery API

The scope parameter is required for this API to work. See list of Google OAuth scopes.


Calendar integrations allow the bot to plan appointments and perform various operations on calendars.

- provider: calendar
  context: bot
  icon: calendar
  title: Booking
  alias: booking

This will create a new constant (@booking) that can be passed as the calendar argument to the various calendaring functions.

To also enable the studio interface to create slots with, create another YAML DDL file. Make sure calendar_name and alias match.

type: calendar
title: Booking
  type: calendar
  calendar_name: booking


Provides the capability to autorefresh the SalesForce connection.

- context: bot
  alias: salesforce
  provider: oauth2
  icon: lightning
  title: "Salesforce"
  description: "Integration with Salesforce"
    flow: client_credentials
    client_id: xxx"
    client_secret: "yyy"

OAuth2 integrations

To enable any oauth2 provider you can use the oauth2 provider in the integrations yaml:

- context: bot
  alias: discord1
  provider: oauth2
  icon: lightning
  title: "Discord"
  description: "An example integration"
  scope: "identify"
    flow: auth_code
    client_id: "xxx"
    client_secret: "yyy"

Two different types of OAuth2 flows are supported, auth_code and client_credentials. Check with your specific provider on which one to use.

The OAuth2 client ID and client secret are normally obtained by creating an OAuth app on the provider side. On that page it is usually also required to specify a callback url back to the platform. Use when asked for the callback URL.

Token Introspection

The optional introspection_url parameter allows the system to validate tokens and determine their expiration time more accurately. When provided, the platform will use this endpoint to:

  1. Check if a token is still active before using it
  2. Get the exact expiration time of the token
  3. Automatically refresh tokens only when necessary

This is particularly useful for OAuth2 providers that use short-lived access tokens or have specific token validation requirements. The introspection endpoint should conform to RFC 7662.

Storing arbitrary secrets

You can present a user interface for storing arbitrary information in the bot's secret store by specifying provider: secret as an entry in the integrations file:

- provider: secret
  alias: myapi_key
  context: bot
  description: API key for

Once you have done this, navigate to Settings -> Integrations -> Secrets to find a form where you can enter a value for the secret:


Later on, you can use the get_access_token function to retrieve this information in Bubblescript:

dialog main do
  token = get_access_token(bot.tokens.myapi_key)
  say "Your token is: " + token

User-level integrations

For all the integrations with the user context, you should use the bot to let the user authenticate itself at the requested service. The following snippet shows 2 login buttons, one for Facebook and one for Google.

buttons "You need to login to continue" do
"Login with Google" ->
  open "#{oauth_link("google")}"
"Login with Facebook" ->
  open "#{oauth_link("facebook")}"

As soon as the user has completed the flow, a token: event is triggered in the bot:

dialog event: "token:google" do
  say "Thank you for logging in."
  info = get_token_info(event.payload)
  user.first_name = info.first_name
  user.profile_picture = info.image
  remember user

In the above example, information from the token is extracted and stored in the CRM, so the bot knows the user's name from then on.

The user's tokens are stored under the user.tokens key; for instance, contains the identifier which links to the Google OAuth token. Use this identifier in the token helper functions to retrieve information about the token.

Bubblescript helper functions

In Bubblescript there are a few special functions that deal with the token OAuth flows. These are the following:


This function generates a link for the requested user-level integration, which starts the OAuth authorization flow.

The one required argument is the name of the provider or alias of which integration to start:

say oauth_link("google")

Note that you need to have an integrations YAML file set up with the corresponding provider configured. The scope (the set of requested permissions) also is defined inside the YAML file.


Return some basic information about the user that is connected to the specific token:

log get_token_info(

The parameters that are inside the returned value are:

  • name
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • nickname
  • email
  • location
  • description
  • phone
  • urls


Return the plain access token for the given token identifier. This access token is used in HTTP calls to perform requests to the integrated service.

The following example uses the access token to post a status update on Facebook:

message = ask "Please enter your status update"
token = get_access_token(user.tokens.facebook)
http_post "" + url_encode(token), form: [message: message]
if http.status_code == 200 do
  say "Post created!"
  say "Something went wrong, check your logs."

Note that you need scope: email,publish_actions in the Facebook integrations config.

When the access token is expired, the following will happen: when a refresh token was given (e.g. in the case of Google), the access token is automatically refreshed and stored. In other cases, nil is returned. it is good practice to always check the return value of get_access_token to see whether it is valid.


Retrieves the full token information structure, mainly for inspection purposes. The underlying data structure is an %Ueberauth.Auth{} struct. See the Überauth docs for more info.

say "Logging the token…"
log get_full_token(user.tokens.facebook)


Removes the given user or bot token, to be used for instance when implementing a "log out" flow. Returns true when the token was deleted, false when the token was not found or a valid ID was passed in.

  • provider: twilio context: bot description: "Configure SMS notifications"