Interface Config

Contains the necessary parameters to instantiate a [[ChatBubble]] class


  • Config


botId: string

The identifier of the bot. The bot ID can be found in the URL when viewing the bot in the Botsquad studio.

frontend?: string

The frontend parameter to pass to the websocket URL

hostname?: string

The hostname of the endpoint. By default this points at Leave unchanged in most cases.

isPreview?: boolean

Use the non-published version for the bot metadata

locale?: string

A valid ISO language code; for instance en, or nl_BE.

secure?: boolean

Whether the connecting endpoint uses HTTPS or not. Defaults to true. Leave unchanged in most cases.

timezone?: string

The user's timezone, needs to be a valid timezone like Europe/Amsterdam.

userAgent: string

The user agent string that identifies this client. The user agent needs to be structured like this: appname/version (OS os_version); for instance: `MyApp/1.0.0 (iOS 13.1.2)

userId?: string

An application-specific user identifier. Mutually exclusive with userToken; if userId is set, userToken will be ignored.

userInfo?: UserInfoConfig

An arbitrary context to pass in; will be used to pre-fill the bot CRM

userToken?: string

The token that identifiers this user. The first time a connection is made, the token can be omitted, as it will be returned in the result of [[ChatBubble.connect]]. Each subsequent connect() call should have this same userToken parameter, to ensure that the user is correctly identified.

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