Interface UserInfo

Contains the information that is known about the user.

Any key / value properties can be set in the information, using [[ChatBubble.putUserInfo]]. The properties listed here are special, in the sense that they are used by the platform. Some properties (tags, frontend) cannot be updated through the putUserInfo call.


  • Record<string, any>
    • UserInfo


first_name?: string

The users's first name

frontend?: string

The primary channel that the user users to chat with the bot

last_name?: string

The users's last name

locale?: string

The user's locale. Note that this locale can be different than the one that is passed in to [[ChatBubble]]; the bot might have decided to switch locale.

profile_picture?: string

URL of the profile picture

tags?: string[]

A list of tags set on the user

timezone?: string

The users's timezone

user_data?: Record<string, any>

Any additional data

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