The platform reference describes most technical aspects of the DialoX platform that are not strictly related to the Bubblescript language. Amongst others, this covers the following:
Conversations and users where we cover all aspects of conversations, users, account linking and the like.
Bot development, which covers how to set up a bot using our best practices and file organization.
AI and Natural Language Processing deals with how the user's natural language input can be matched and processed inside a bot, using an NLP pipeline, Intents and LLM's (ChatGPT)
Communication is about integrating the bot with external APIs, inter-bot communication and OAuth integrations.
Content management describes how a CMS can be configured to let certain parts of the bot be edited by non-technical users
Pre-defined filters describes how the filter menu can be pre-filled with presets
Lastly, Testing explains the process of creating tests for your bots to make developing them easier and giving you trust in your bot's capabilities and behaviour.