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Functions provide a powerful way to make your scripts more modular, reusable, and easier to maintain. By defining functions that can be used in both tasks and dialogs, you can write more concise and flexible scripts for managing conversations and computations.Functions can accept parameters, perform calculations or operations, and return a result. These functions can be used in both tasks and dialogs to enhance the flexibility of your scripts.

Basic Syntax

A Bubblescript function is defined using the following syntax:

function function_name(_parameter1, _parameter2, ...) do
  # function body
  # do some work here
  return result
  • function_name: The name of the function that will be used to call it.
  • Parameters: Local variables that are passed to the function. These must be prefixed with an underscore (_) and are separated by commas.
  • do: Marks the start of the function's body.
  • return: Returns the result of the function.
  • end: Ends the function definition.

Some key points to notice are:

  • Functions can return any value, including numbers, strings, or even other variables.
  • Functions can be called inside tasks or dialogs to process data or execute specific logic, or from other functions.
  • Functions cannot be named the same as any of the builtin functions, e.g. creating a function called date_format will return an error.

Function guards

Functions can be defined multiple times with guard clauses. A guard clause allows you to specify conditions under which a particular function definition will be executed. This feature enables more flexible and dynamic handling of different inputs or cases within a function.

A function with a guard clause is defined similarly to a regular function, but with an additional when clause. The when clause specifies the condition that must be true for that particular version of the function to be executed:

function function_name(parameter1, parameter2, ...) when condition do
  # function body
  • when clause: This is where you specify the condition for the function to run.
  • Condition: Any valid expression that evaluates to a boolean value (true or false).

If no guard clause condition is met, the default version of the function (the one without a when clause) will be executed. In the following example, we define a function foo that behaves differently based on the value of the parameter _x.

function foo(_x) when _x < 3 do
  return "Input is less than 3"

function foo(_x) do
  return "Input is 3 or greater"

dialog check_input do
  say foo(2)  # Calls the first version of foo
  say foo(5)  # Calls the second version of foo

In this case, when foo(2) is called, the guard clause _x < 3 is satisfied, so the first version of foo is executed, returning "Input is less than 3". When foo(5) is called, the guard clause is not satisfied, so the second version of foo is executed, returning "Input is 3 or greater".

Using Functions in Tasks

Tasks are used to define operations that happen behind the scenes. Functions can be called within tasks to compute values or trigger processes.

Example 1: Basic Addition

function sum(_a, _b) do
  return _a + _b

task calculate_sum do
  result = sum(10, 5)  # function call inside a task

In the above example:

  • A function sum is defined, which takes two parameters and returns their sum.
  • Inside the task calculate_sum, the sum function is called with the arguments 10 and 5, and the result is stored in the result variable.

Example 2: Concatenating Strings

function concatenate(_first, _second) do
  return _first + " " + _second

task combine_names do
  full_name = concatenate("John", "Doe")  # combines first and last name

In this example:

  • The concatenate function joins two strings with a space in between.
  • The task combine_names calls the function to combine the first name "John" and the last name "Doe".

Using Functions in Dialogs

Dialogs are used to manage interactions with users. You can call functions inside dialogs to compute values and display them dynamically during conversations.

Example 1: Displaying Calculated Values

function multiply(_x, _y) do
  return _x * _y

dialog main do
  say "The result of multiplication is: " + multiply(7, 3)

In this example:

  • The multiply function takes two numbers and returns their product.
  • Inside the dialog main, the multiply function is called, and the result is displayed in the conversation using say.

Example 2: Greeting the User

function greet(_name) do
  return "Hello, " + _name + "!"

dialog welcome_user do
  user_name = "Alice"
  say greet(user_name)


  • The greet function returns a personalized greeting.
  • Inside the welcome_user dialog, the function is called to greet the user by name.

Best Practices

Some points to consider when writing functions:

  1. Use Descriptive Function Names: Choose function names that describe what the function does, such as sum, concatenate, or greet, to make your code more readable.
  2. Reusability: Use functions to encapsulate repetitive logic and avoid redundancy in your tasks and dialogs.
  3. Parameter Naming: Always prefix parameters with an underscore (_) to differentiate them from other variables.
  4. Return Meaningful Values: Ensure that your functions return values that are useful for your tasks or dialogs.