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See HTTP requests for more information on how to perform HTTP requests from Bubblescript.

http_delete(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP DELETE request.

http_get(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP GET request.

http_head(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP HEAD request.

http_options(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP OPTIONS request.

http_patch(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP PATCH request.

http_post(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP POST request.

http_put(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP PUT request.

http_request(method, url, opts \\ [])

Perform a parameterized HTTP request.

http_trace(url, opts \\ [])

Perform an HTTP TRACE request.