XML is represented in Bubblescript as a nested array.
XML is an inherently more difficult datatype to work with than JSON, as XML an XML element has different notions of data: the XML's attribute name, its attributes, and a list of its children.
An XML element like this:
<element attr="val">content</element>
Will be represented as an array with three elements:
["element", %{"attr" => "val"}, "content"]
The first element of this array is always the element's name; the second are its attributes, and the third is its contents. When the XML element contains children, the elemen's contents will be an array of new XML elements (again represented of 3-element arrays).
Build an XML string out of a data structure.
$> xml_build(["element", %{"attr" => "val"}, "content"])
Parse an XML string into a data structure.
$> xml_parse("
xml_xpath_all(data, query)
Select a list of values or XML elements
Selects a list of values or XML elements from the given XML using an XPath expression. Always returns a list. In the case that no elements were selected, an empty list is returned.
xml_xpath_one(data, query)
Select a single value or XML element
Selects a single value or XML from the given XML data structure
using an XPath expression. If the result of the expression is not
exactly one single element, nil
will be returned.